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Step Into Your Greatness through Gratitude
Week 1: Gratitude
Lesson 1: Easy ways to add gratitude to your day (3:36)
Lesson 2: What leading experts say about gratitude
Lesson 3: Tools for making gratitude a daily habit
Week 2: Acceptance
Lesson 1: Stop Complaining and Let Go
Lesson 2: Finding the gifts that come with your circumstances (1:44)
Lesson 3: Believe in yourself (2:29)
Week 3: Living in the Present
Lesson 1: Healing the past. How to forgive yourself
Lesson 2: Create your future. How to dream and make goals. (3:04)
Lesson 3: Happiness lives only in the present. How to live in the present.
Week 4: Self Care
Lesson 2: Mental Self Care
Lesson 3: Emotional Self Care
Lesson 1: Physical Self Care
Lesson 2: Mental Self Care
Lesson 3: Emotional Self Care
Lesson 3: Believe in yourself
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